Software by Trevor Croll
Form: Every
web site needs a contact form so people can send comments. This function
requires two files, the contact.html form where details are entered like email
addresses and contact message. It also requires send.php the program that emails the message.
The php sendmail() function can be exploited by spammers for their mass mail
spamming. There are functions to eliminate this vulnerability. Get your
send mail files now.
Hit Counter: Every web manager should know if their web pages are being read and used. It is as easy as Putting a bit of javascript on each html web page that calls counter.php which saves a count for that page in a counter.csv file on the server. Regularly save the counts to a spreadsheet and keep for your own records on your own computer system. Get page hit counter files now
Hit Log: Be more sophisticated and keep a log for each html file that has been downloaded. Then examine who has been looking and what they have been looking at. Know how your web site is being used. Know how people are finding your web site - was it from a Google Search? Get it Now: